A Cup of Tea with Mary B

#23 Stepping Away From Your ‘Shoulds’ And Into Your Power with Elly Both

Mary Barrett Season 2 Episode 8
Join me for a conversation with new entrepreneur, Elly Both, who started Bright Green just over 12 months ago.. Elly’s mission of “doing something good for the World” is really coming into fruition with her new company where she supports businesses to become more sustainably aware. Elly came from the corporate world, but something just didn’t feel right. All the puzzle pieces started to come together… doing a sort out at home and the unsettling feeling of where waste ends up, seeing lack of sustainability in the office, wanting to be more responsible at home with less single use items… it was a passion that moved into the workplace and had an impact that she didn’t expect. The ‘green team’ in the office was born and soon enough Elly was leaving that behind to create Bright Green. Listen to Elly talk openly about why she decided to leave the safety net of the Corporate World to step into her power and mission to help people and businesses live a more sustainable life. A pure success story of marrying her Project Management skills with her passion to change the world. If you are a business looking for consultancy to be more earth-friendly do get in touch with Elly and help her smash her BHAG!

Thank you so much for listening!

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