A Cup of Tea with Mary B

#19 Following Your Inner Calling And Finding Your Passion In Life with Visha Nelson

Mary Barrett Season 2 Episode 4

Join me for a conversation with Visha Nelson, Award Winning Founder of The Cinnamon Room where we talk about how she followed her instinct and left the corporate world where she was an unhappy, successful lawyer to finding her freedom and joy in life by becoming a happy and successful entrepreneur. We discuss the negative impact of doing a job just "because you can" to having the courage and resilience to change to a career where you follow your passions, and where working hard feels effortless and fun.  Visha's passion for interiors is so apparent, you really can sense that she really has found her purpose. When an interior designer says how they help clients create a beautiful home where it isn't all about looks, it's about how it feels, you can sense the true love she has for her work. I'm so pleased she followed her 'inner calling'. You'll really enjoy listening to Visha, she really has bags of courage, is living her truth and creating her own story. 

Thank you so much for listening!

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