A Cup of Tea with Mary B

#38 The Science of Finding Happiness with Sha-En Yeo

Mary Barrett Season 4 Episode 5

We delve into the incredible journey of Sha-En Yeo, a former lonely and bullied child who defied the odds to become a 2-time TEDx speaker, a Positive Psychology expert, LinkedIn Asia's Top Mental Health Advocate and Singapore’s 1st Happiness Scientist.

We explore the pivotal moment that changed Sha-En's life, when her teacher encouraged her with simple but empowering words, which led to her embarking on a journey to discover her true purpose.

Prepare to be inspired as Sha-En shares her insights and lessons in this captivating podcast episode. Discover how you too can embrace happiness, harness the power of positive psychology, and unlock your full potential in both life and business. Remember, you always have a choice.

Books mentioned in this episode:
Learned Optimism by Dr Martin Seligman
The Power of Regret by Daniel Pink

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