A Cup of Tea with Mary B

#37 When Things Go 'Wrong' In Life: Lessons From My Auntie Nellie

Mary Barrett Season 4 Episode 4

In this episode I want to share with you a story about my Auntie Nellie. Her life’s path may have been chosen for her but she lived it with positivity and sunshine.

I want to tell you about how she went from being a Convent Nun to driving a pimped up Ford Escort!

She certainly sowed the seeds of greatness for me, and even today her legacy lives on in the younger generations of our family.

You’ll soon hear how having trust in the universe/faith/belief can mean that “life is happening for you, not against you” as the wonderful Oprah says. Enjoy!

And I hope Auntie Nellie helps you to find a parking space or two :)

Thank you so much for listening!

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